Story follows after story….
Click on the left image, below, to go a page of great videos of people talking about their Hazen experiences. Click on the right image to open up a gallery of brief stories people have written about their time at Hazen.
Then scroll down and watch the video instructions that will help you record your own Hazen story—video, audio, or text.
After you watch videos and read stories, scroll down on this page to learn how to share your own!
Use video, audio, or text to
Share your own Hazen Story….
Watch the video below to learn how you can very easily and simply record a short video or an audio clip, or to send us a story. No matter how you do it, just introduce yourself and share a Hazen memory. Soon we’ll post it here on the Hazen History site, on one of the pages above! It will be great for your friends from your time at Hazen to see your face, to hear your voice, to read your words….and maybe they’ll be inspired to do the same thing themselves.
Especially if you write something, it would be great if you could also email us a photo (HazenHistory1920@gmail.com) to illustrate your memory. It can be a photo from camp at the time; it can be. photo of you then or now.
Soon there will be more and more Hazen Stories for you to browse through, below!